Knowing that it was so important to get the Kinder name known and to show the Kinder, in a hands on situation, Capra-Quest and Bramble Patch Kinder joined together to exhibit this little goat at the Missouri State Fair during the ADGA Show, Angora Goat and Colored Sheep Shows in the fall of 1992. I had written the Missouri State Fair Director and had gotten written permission for the exhibit. We would exibit for a couple of years then with enough Kinder goats and breeders we would be able to show.
Harvey Considine was the ADGA Judge that year in 1992. We ask that he come back to where we were penned for the exhibit, his first questions was, can this goat milk? Other Kinder in the Pacific North West were milking but these were only small doelings, born in the spring, so we didn't have any good answers. It was then that I decided that mine were going to be good milking Kinder goats. I would work hard to see that they did. I had fallen in love with this Kinder goat and was willing to work the rest of my life trying to improve and make them champions in the show ring and in milk testing.
The Kinder goat began to grow in popularity it wasn't long until We Luv Goats from Iowa joined us then Country Critters from Nebraska and from our own State of Missouri came Bluefield, Riversun, Cedar Creek Farm and from Arkansas there was Merry Thought Farm and from Minnesota came Beauty Mountain. The Kinder goat was on its way.
Bramble Patch Kinder Taffy was the first Kinder doe to win as a Permanent Grand Champion. It was BPK Ruppel who followed Taffy into the record books as a Permanent Grand Champion but it was Ruppel who was also the first Kinder doe to win her star in One-Day Milk Testing in 1998.