Friday, February 1, 2013

Harvey Considine, well known ADGA Judge and Evaluator, agreed to help the Kinder Goat Breeders develop their dual purpose goat very early in this little goats beginning. Harvey helped to revise their Breed Standard and made a Score Card especially for the Kinder doe. Some of his  suggestion for the  Nubian lines used for first generation Kinder was some of older lines of Nubians that would produce more of a meat carcass. A couple of these lines were Casconade and Cadallic. I searched out these lines and included as many as I could in my Kinder lines. I also added as much of the Hallicenda line of Pygmy as I possibly could. I knew that Hallicenda Pygmy lines milked well.

I have always line bred. I had Harvey come on a regular basis to evaluate my herd very early in my Kinder breeding program. Between the line breeding and evaluations I believe contributed greatly to the consistency in my herd. When you  have something good don't keep bringing in new lines that will wash away those positives. Bringing in new genes is good to a point but it doesn't take long to lose those  positives with continued out crossing. When I bring in new lines I always make sure that some of my good lines are in that pedigree. Evaluation sheets and registration papers are two of the best tools available for breeding a good Kinder goat.

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